The Importance of Gatekeepers for Decision Maker Conversations

Chains and lock symbolizing gatekeepers in decision-making

If you think gatekeepers and automated phone systems are for the birds, think again!

Conversations with gatekeepers are so important because they can be the difference between a high & low level of decision maker conversations!

Understanding whether to pass through or engage gatekeepers, how to work automated phone systems; and knowing back access ways to decision maker direct lines can be that difference between hitting your goals or not!

At Superhuman Prospecting, we are easily seeing rates of 1 in every 6 calls to one in every 15 calls as a general range for reaching decision makers.

For instance, check out this snippet from one of our recent campaigns in the commercial insurance industry:


This recent July 2019 campaign was executed from a traditional phone system with manual dials by multiple callers on our team. We successfully conducted 168 decision maker conversations from 1216 dials (which is 1 decision maker conversation every 7 calls!), with 31 appointments and a 6.24% appointment setting rate on the number of contacts called. This was a 2.55% appointment setting rate on dials, and one appointment every 39 dials.

We are finding this success even in the 21st Century!

What we have also been discovering is that automated robo dialing systems that “pass through gatekeepers” and get your right to the decision maker will not help you optimize lists you have spent hours or many dollars developing. Many of these systems are taking 25 to 50 calls to reach a decision maker vs a strategic thinker getting through at 1 in every 10-12 dials on average.

If you have questions on this on what to expect in your industry, let us know and we can help you set the expectation to plan appropriately.

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