Industry Experience

Digital Marketing Lead Generation

SHP provides digital marketing agencies an outsourced sales development team to help generate leads for web design, seo, ppc, social media and more.

Cold Calling to Generate Digital Marketing Leads and Sales Appointments

Many marketing agencies struggle to generate leads after their inbound and referral channels begin to dry up. Cold calling is a more proactive approach that can generate leads and appointments with the types of prospects your agency wants to work with.

Superhuman Prospecting works with digital marketing agencies to develop a lead generation process through cold calling and appointment setting, that can create a steady flow of seo leads, web design leads or any other type of digital marketing leads. An effective cold calling strategy can complement your other marketing efforts to help grow your business and client base.

Experience calling into all verticals:

Types of Digital Marketing

Team work, hands or creative business people in a meeting planning a logo, branding or marketing co
An Extension of Your TEam

Your Outsourced Prospecting Team To Scale Your Agency

As an extension of your team, Superhuman Prospecting provides support to your sales development efforts. Through a collaborative process, we will create a strategy, craft a script and reach out to your target prospects to help set more sales appointments for your digital marketing agency. We also provide guidance and feedback based on results to continuously refine your campaign. By providing a full-service process, you can focus on growing your agency, while we help generate leads and appointments.

Digital Marketing Services to German Automotive Repair Shops

Company Profile

This client is a full-service digital marketing company targeting a very niche market, German automotive repair shops.

The Challenge

A full-service digital marketing agency was looking to take more control over its sales pipeline by balancing their strong digital presence with more outbound marketing strategies that would help them engage and nurture a target audience of German automotive repair shop owners. Previously, the agency had tried to hire freelancers but the results varied with little consistency, leaving leadership in fear of their brand reputation. When choosing a solution, they were looking for a more dependable team that could handle call volume and have quality sales conversations.

Scope of Work

Superhuman Prospecting (SHP) created a custom B2B appointment setting strategy, utilizing cold calling and additional inside sales touches to generate a strong pipeline of high-quality leads for our digital marketing client.

Case Study

Outreach Local

Digital marketing strategy
Calls Made


Appointments Set


Conversations Had


Leads Generated


Over the span of 2+ years, Superhuman Prospecting was able to generate over 200 sales appointments and over 300 leads with automotive repair shops, primarily using cold calling.

Superhuman Prospecting really stood out by their systems they have in place, their follow up, their reporting, their customer service. It's been great, I highly recommend them.

Digital Marketing Prospecting

Marketing Agency Leads Using The H2H Method™️

One of the advantages of using Superhuman Prospecting for digital marketing leads is The H2H Method™️, which allows us to have higher converting cold conversations.  The H2H Method™️ for cold phone calling is the first and only fully comprehensive methodology on cold calling, covering everything from philosophy to strategy, to values, to frameworks. The method is used by client SDRs at Superhuman Prospecting® to conduct their calling with a proven approach gleaned from 6 years of making cold calls at SHP in 50 plus industries. 


Client Reviews

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