Meet Our Superhuman Team: Amada Forbes

As Senior Project Manager, Amada handles the setup of new client campaigns, collecting the necessary information required to start or maintain projects, while ensuring they start on time and run with no issues.  She keeps our team innovative and organized, and is normally a “first responder” on all critical issues. 

Amada grew up speaking both English and Spanish, thanks to her parents who are from Costa Rica. She is an extremely talented musician, playing first chair in Concert Band Flute and Alto Saxophone. She also enjoys playing the French Horn, Viola, and Percussion instruments. 

At home, she is a loving mother to Sophia, an adorable (and sassy) 3-year old. Watch out if you see her on the Badminton or Tennis courts, as she’s known to SMASH a shuttlecock down or distress her opponent with a slice at the net. 

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

When I am not working, I enjoy spending time with family, eating yummy food, or playing video games. Mainly those that involve avatar customization, room building/decoration, MMORPG (Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game)/MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena), or logic.

I also like to get lost in my thoughts, the silence when reflecting on life, planning for the future, and the time spent researching questions that may come to mind.

What’s the best piece of sales advice you’ve heard recently?

Solve problems first. “Never sell with the goal of getting the money, sell with the intention of solving the problem or making the prospect’s pain go away.” -Zhelinrentice Scott

This reminds me of what I found to be an impactful 3 minutes of our SHP, Inc 2021 Pricing Presentation & Services Demo Recording (25:22-28:14). Within this short period, our CEO, Ryan Pereus, creates a metaphor for solving issues in the sales process through a comparison between the company, a luxurious car, and a train.

Are you an early bird or night owl?

A night owl though I’m slowly training myself to break out of this habit— I could always use more time during the day!

If you could live anywhere in the world for a year for free, where would you choose?

I would live in Costa Rica. Not only to be with family; but to enjoy the happy, lively, and friendly community that makes up the county. 

In 2019 their president, Carlos Alvarado Quesada said,

“Seventy years ago, Costa Rica did away with the army, allowing many things. Eight percent of our GDP is invested in education because we do not have to spend on the army. Our strength is human talent; human wellbeing.”

It is known to be one of our world’s happiest countries and has become a huge tourist attraction.

In other words, this country is Superhuman!

Tell us what inspires you, or provide your favorite inspirational quote

I’d like to pick two quotes that inspire me!

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one most adaptable to change”. — Charles Darwin

“Fail early, fail often, but always fail forward.”― John C. Maxwell

Tell us what motivates you to do what you do here, and how you contribute to the customer experience

The fear of failure, but this fear does not limit my ability; instead, it projects it forward. There’s a thrill that comes from forks in the road and the hiccups along the way. The pure satisfaction that comes after a project’s completed, a deadline’s met, or an issue’s resolved makes the stress worthwhile.

I’ve always disliked repetitiveness, making the discord of Project Management right up my alley! I also can not stress enough how much I enjoy working with our Project Management Team. Together, we will make great things happen.

fun Fact:

I love reading articles and researching unknown topics, but I’m not much of a reader when it comes to books.Currently, I am forcing myself to read the book “The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey.

I highly recommend this book to anyone, as well as my favorite, “The Alchemist,” a novel by Paulo Coelho.

icons showing sales development collaborations including, hands, gear settings, headset, and chatbots.
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