3 Reasons to Outsource Your Outbound Strategy

Let’s be real. Your sales reps aren’t fans of cold calling. The effort they put into generating leads stifles their sales passion and prevents them from closing more deals. The tasks are challenging and the burnout can be REAL! (See high turnover rate)

But that doesn’t mean you should give up your outbound strategy. So, what else can you do?


Cold Calling Through the Coronavirus

As of today, COVID-19, the novel Coronavirus has infected only .0013% of the Earth’s population, and yet we are already seeing industry impacts worldwide. Last week, we heard several international and domestic trade shows were cancelled due to the virus.  Many businesses  are depending on industry trade shows as a primary source for their networking, lead generation, appointment […]

Cold Calling is Dead? The Inbound vs Outbound Lead Generation Debate

Is cold calling and outbound lead generation dead? …Is inbound alive?? I’m super biased so stop here if you care. But no. Straight up. Cold calling is not dead. Here’s the problem though – Cold calling and outbound lead generation calls get a bad wrap. Let’s talk inbound before anything else. I’ll be the first […]